
May 7, 2018

View Hidden Files and Folders In Windows 10, 8, 7 With Pics


Unhide and Show Hidden Files and Folders In Windows 10, 8, and 7 | All-In-One Guide with Pics

Hidden files and folders are the required part of any operating system. Well, here we are talking about MS Windows Operating System. Microsoft Windows has also many file and folders which are hidden by default. The Windows operating systems are configured in such a way that they does not display hidden files, folders and drives by default. These hidden files and directories are usually used to store user preferences or preserving the state of an application or program. Because access to these is not restricted, so we can say that these are not directly related to the system security. But please keep in mind, tampering with the Windows hidden files or directories may result in system failure. They are hidden by default just to prevent the users from deleting or modifying these files.

So let’s start, and learn that how to display or show windows hidden files and folders including protected operating system files.

Guide for Window 10 - Click Here

Guide for Window 8 - Click Here

Guide for Window 7 - Click Here

Please DON'T RENAME, DELETE, REMOVE the windows hidden file or folders. Don't tamper with them. The result could be your Windows failure.

There are 2 way to View Hidden Files, Folders and Drives in Windows 7, 8 and 10

  1. By using a command line, attrib. You can just use "attrib +h" to hide a file and vice versa "attrib -h" to unhide a file.
  2. By direct from the Windows user interface.

And I prefer to use the second method, direct from the Windows user interface. From below given guide with images, you can learn that how to unhide files and folders in all the three version of Windows including Windows 10, 8 and 7.

Show Hidden Files and Folders in Window 10

Step 1: Open "My Computer", or just press Win + E.

Step 2: Left click on "View (tab item)" in " My Computer/File Explorer".


Step 3: Then left click on "Options" button, and then click on "Change folder and search options (menu item)".


Step 4: Then left click on "View (tab item)" in "Folder Options".


Step 5: Now in the View tab, you can see the "Show hidden files, folders, and drives (radio button)", just select it to unhide the files, directories, and drives.


If you also want to show the protected operating system files, then scroll down and Un-checkmark the "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" checkbox option. Then click on "Yes" in "Warning dialog box".

complete guide-to-view-Hidden-Files-and-Folders-in-Windows-10-pic-5

Step 6: Now click on "Apply", then "OK" and you are done.

Now check the hidden file yourself by opening any path where you have the hidden folders and files stored. Or you can just open the windows 10 installation drive. You can see the hidden files would be grayed out.

Built-in Snipping Tool: Take Screenshots in Windows 10

Display Show Hidden File and Folders in Window 8

Step 1: Open "My Computer", or just press Win + E.

Step 2: Left click on "View (tab item)" in "My Computer window".


Step 3: Then left click on "Options" button, and then click on "Change folder and search options" in its menu item.


Step 4: Then left click on "View (tab item)" in "Folder Options".


Step 5: Now you can see the "Show hidden files, folders, and drives (radio button)", just select it.


If you also wish to show the protected operating system files, then scroll down a bit and Un-checkmark the "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" checkbox option. Then click on "Yes" in "Warning dialog box".


Step 6: Now click on "Apply", then "OK" and you are done.

The hidden folder and files would be grayed out, check yourself by opening any path where you have the hidden files stored. Or you can just open the windows 8 installation drive.

Boot Windows 8, 8.1 in Safe Mode Using 3 Easy Methods

View Hidden File and Directories in Window 7

Step 1: Open "My Computer", or just press Win + E.

Step 2: On the My Computer window, left click on "Organize (push button)" located at the top left on the Windows Explorer toolbar. Then click on "Folder and search options” in the menu item.


Step 3: Then left click on "View (page tab)" in the "Folder Options".


Step 4: Now you can see the "Show hidden files, folders, and drives (radio button)" option, just select it.


If you also want to show the protected operating system files, then Un-checkmark the "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" checkbox option. Then click on "Yes" in "Warning dialog box".


Step 5: Now click on "Apply", then "OK" and you are done.

To see the hidden file and folders on your computer, just open your Windows 7 installation drive (usually C) or any other path where you have the hidden folders and files stored. These files would be grayed out which indicates that they are hidden files.

How to change file extension in Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP

Wow, was not it too easy!
So this step-by-step guide with images is completed now and you have learned how to show hidden files and folders in Windows 10, 8, and 7. So now it’s your turn. Please leave your comments, your valuable feedback will really be appreciated. Stay tuned with Tech IT Guides, subscribe our email newsletter and get notified about every newly published article directly in your inbox.

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