
September 8, 2015

Boot Windows 8, 8.1 in Safe Mode Using 3 Easy Methods

Are you struggling to boot into Safe Mode in Windows 8 or Windows 8.1?
Solution is here.
Log into Safe Mode in Windows 8

What is Windows Safe Mode?

Safe mode is a Diagnostic mode. As we all know Safe Mode is very helpful to a user for troubleshooting. Some times because of unknown problems we are unable to start our computer normally. Such as, Blue Screen, Malware-viruses, Faulty Software-Drivers etc. In such cases Safe Mode helps a lot. From booting into Safe Mode we can remove Malware-viruses, uninstall Faulty Software-Drivers and diagnose Windows Problems. This is not possible in normal boot up. So many reasons malware running behind, system is not responding, blue screen of death etc.

F8 has gone with Windows 7:

In previous versions of windows by pressing F8 we can enter into Safe Mode. But now in Window 8 and 8.1 F8 is not the key to enter into Safe Mode. Fast booting process in comparison with all previous windows is the reason.

Solution - 3 Easy Methods to Boot Windows 8 in Safe Mode:

Method 1:
  1. Press and hold Shift key then click on Restart.
  2. 'Choose an Option' screen will appear, and then Click on 'Troubleshoot'.
  3. In the Troubleshoot screen click on 'Advanced Options'.
  4. Then 'Start Up Settings'.
  5. In the Start up Setting Screen Click on 'Restart', Computer will restart and Boot into Start Up Setting Options.
  6. Now you can select any option as per your need. Press F4 or 4 key to enter Safe Mode, F5 or 5 for Safe Mode with Networking.

Method 2:

While Windows is restarting continuously and you are unable to boot normally. And the problem is that you can’t access Advanced Start Up menu without booting into windows. In that case you have to wait until your system restarts 3-3 times. After that windows will start Automatic Repair and Automatic Repair screen will appear. On that screen you will get two options Restart and Advanced Start Up. Click on advanced Start up. Now you are in Safe Mode options.

Method 3:

Setting up F8 key for Safe Mode before any problem occurs. Yes it is possible, open 'Elevated Command Prompt' then right click on 'start menu', here you will get 'Command Prompt (Admin)'.

Don't know how to open Elevated Command Prompt? Click on the link below.

How to Open Elevated Command Prompt

Open Elevated Command Prompt and type the below given command, and then press Enter.

"bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy"

Now you will get a message "the operation completed successfully".

Restart and you get window 7 style boot loader, press F8 to enter into Safe Mode. If you want windows 8 boot loader back, just do this whole process again but this time replace last word of the command ‘legacy’ with ‘standard’ or use this command,

"bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard"

Hope this Guide Helps you.

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