
October 7, 2015

Open Elevated CMD (Admin Privileges) in Windows 10, 8, 7

How to Open Elevated CMD in Windows 10, 8 and 7

The CMD or CMD (dot) exe stands for Command Prompt. When Command Prompt opened with admin privileges, it called Elevated Command Prompt.

Difference Between Command Prompt and Elevated Command Prompt:

The difference between Elevated Command Prompt and Command Prompt. When cmd opened to"C:\Users\(User name)" this is normal Command Prompt and when it is opened to "C:\Windows\System32" it will got admin privileges. This one is called Elevated Command Prompt. There are many different ways to open Elevated Command Prompt.

12 Different Methods to open Elevated Command Prompt in Windows 10, 8 and 7:

Methods for Windows 10:

Method 1:

  • Press 'Win + X', then press 'a'. UAC will ask you to allow or not, click yes. 
  • This will open Cmd with Admin Privileges.

Method 2:

  • Right Click on the 'Start Menu' or press 'Win + X'. 
  • Now you can see a list of the programs, select 'Command Prompt (Admin)'.

Open Elevated CMD (Admin Privileges) in Windows 10 - Pic 1

Method 3:

  • Click on the 'Start Menu', then 'All Apps' and then scroll down until you find 'Windows System'. 
  • Under the 'Windows System', right click on 'Command Prompt', then move the mouse courser on 'More’. 
  • And then finally click on 'Run as administrator'. 
  • Now UAC will ask you to allows or not, simply click on yes. 
  • This will open the Command Prompt with Admin privileges.

Open Elevated CMD (Admin Privileges) in Windows 10 - Pic 2

Method 4:

  • Open 'Task Manager' using 'CTRl + Alt + Del' or just right click on the taskbar and then click on 'Task Manager'. 
  • Now click on 'File' in the main menu and then click on 'Run new task'. 
  • In the writing box type 'cmd' and check-mark the below box saying, "Create this task with administrative privileges". 
  • Now the command prompt will open with admin privileges.

Open Elevated CMD (Admin Privileges) in Windows 10 - Pic 3

If the Full Details of Task Manager will not appear, just click on 'More details'.

Methods for Windows 8 or 8.1:

Method 1:

  • This is the easiest way to open the Command Prompt with Admin privileges in Windows 8, just press ‘Windows + X + A’.

Method 2:

  • Press Windows + X, now you can see the Windows menu on the bottom left. 
  • Just click on 'Command Prompt (Admin)'.

Method 3:

  • In Windows 8 or 8.1 right click on the start menu, a list of various programs will appear. 
  • Choose Command Prompt (Admin).

Open Elevated CMD (Admin Privileges) in Windows 8 and 8.1 - Pic 1

Method 4:

  • Open Task Manager (Press Ctrl+Alt+Del or right click on the taskbar and then 'Task Manager'). 
  • Now in the 'Task Manager’ click on 'File', the first option of the main menu. And then 'Run new task'. 
  • Now you can see a box just below the writing box saying "Create this task with administrator privileges", check-mark that box. 
  • Now in the writing box, type CMD and hit enter.

Open Elevated CMD (Admin Privileges) in Windows 8 and 8.1 - Pic 2

If you cannot see the box below saying "Create this task with administrator privileges", then you are logged in as a standard user instead of administrator.

Methods for Windows 7:

Method 1:

  • Click on the Start button and in the search box type 'cmd.exe'. 
  • Now cmd appears on the top, right click on cmd.exe, and click on 'Run as Administrator'.

Open Elevated CMD (Admin Privileges) in Windows 7 - Pic 1

Method 2:

  • Click on the Start button, then 'All Programs', then 'Accessories'. 
  • Now you can see 'command Prompt', the second option in the list. 
  • Right-click on it and click on 'Run as Administrator'.

Open Elevated CMD (Admin Privileges) in Windows 7 - Pic 2

Method 3:

  • Open 'My Computer', then open C:\Windows\System32 (here C is your Windows Drive ). 
  • Now look for 'cmd.exe' and open it. 
  • It will Run as Administrator.

Method 4:

  • Open Task Manager (Press Ctrl+Alt+Del or right click on the taskbar and then 'Task Manager').
  • Now in the 'Task Manager', click on 'File' the first option in the main menu.
  • And then New Task (Run..).
  • Now you can see a box just below the writing box saying "Create this task with administrator privileges", check-mark that box.
  • In the writing box, type CMD and hit enter.

How to to open Elevated Command Prompt

If you cannot see the box saying "Create this task with administrator privileges", then you are logged in as a standard user instead of administrator.

So these are the various methods to open elevated command Prompt in Windows 10, 8 and 7. Give them a try and please tell us which one you liked the most.

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