
February 23, 2017

3 Ways to Turn off Disable Windows Defender in Windows10


How to Disable Windows Defender Temporary or Permanently in Windows 10

First of all, we need to know, what is Windows Defender? Windows Defender is a malware protection that is included and built-in into Windows 10. It identifies and removes the viruses, spyware, and other malicious software’s that scanned on your system.

In Windows 10, Windows Defender is on by default. It switches itself off when you install any third party antivirus. You can stop its real-time protection, but just on a temporary basis. It will automatically on again when the Windows will restarts. But it doesn't mean that you cannot disable Windows Defender permanently. We have 3 Working ways to disable or stop Windows Defender in Windows 10.

Before we start, I recommend you to install an antivirus program in place of Windows Defender. You know, the security is essential for any PC or Laptop. But if you never browse the internet on a system and never plugged external devices to a system, then it’s OK if that system doesn't have any antivirus program installed on it.

3 Quick and Easy Ways to Disable or Stop Windows Defender in Windows 10

Yes, you can stop/disable Windows Defender with these 3 Working ways. The first method will disable it temporarily, and it will start again with the Windows restart. And the other two methods can turn off Windows Defender permanently. Let’s start,

Method 1:

Use Windows Setting to Stop Windows Defender in Windows 10

In this method, we will stop the Real Time protection of Windows Defender from the control panel settings. This will temporarily stop it.

Step 1: Press Win + I, it will open the ‘Settings’.

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Step 2: In the settings window, open 'Update & Security'.


Step 3: Then in the left panel, select the option “Windows Defender”.

Step 4: Now you can see the “Real-Time Protection” in the right panel, and an on-off button just below it.


To turn on or off the Windows Defender Real-Time Protection, just click on that button. But remember, it is just a temporary solution. For a permanent solution go for “method 2 and 3” given below.

Method 2:

Turn Off Windows Defender in Windows 10 Using Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc)

This method will permanently stop the Windows Defender protection. To turn it on again, just reverse the same process.

Step 1: Open 'RUN' using Win + R keys. Then type 'gpedit.msc' in the run dialog and hit enter.

Step 2: Now in the newly opened 'Local Group Policy Editor', use the left panel and navigate to:

Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Defender



Step 3: Now under ‘Windows Defender’ in the right panel, look for ‘Turn off Windows Defender' and open it.


Step 4: Then select 'Enable' on the left side (by default it is ‘Not Configured’).


Step 5: Apply, then OK and then restart your system. After the restart, check the Windows Defender has been turned off now.

The users who are using Professional, Enterprise and Education editions of Windows 10 can only access the Group Policy editor. This method is not available for those users who are using 'Windows 10 Home Edition'.

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Method 3:

Disable Windows Defender on Windows 10 Using  Registry Editor (regedit)

In this 3rd and the final method, we are going to disable Windows Defender using the registry editor. And this method is a permanent solution, same as the 2nd method. This method works exactly the same, as the Local Group Policy editor. The only difference is in the process and method.

Step 1: Open 'RUN' using Win + R keys. Then type 'regedit' in the run dialog and hit enter.

Now UAC (User Account Control) will ask your permission. Click on yes.

Step 2: In the 'Registry Editor', navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\ Windows Defender


I mean, open 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', then 'SOFTWARE', then 'Policies', then 'Microsoft', and then Windows Defender.


Step 4: Now on the right panel under “Windows Defender”, you can see the 'DWORD (32-Bit) Value' named as ‘DisableAntispyware’. Just open it and change its value from 0 to 1.

If the value ‘DisableAntispyware’ is not present there, create a new one. Simply right click on the blank space, and click 'New'. Then click 'DWORD (32-Bit) Value', this will create a new value, name it ‘DisableAntispyware’. Now open it and set its value = 1.

See the pic below.


That’s it, now close the registry window and check the Windows Defender program, it will be turned off. And if not, then restart your system and then check back again.

The users who are using Professional, Enterprise and Education editions of Windows 10 can only access the Registry Editor. This method is not available for those users who are using 'Windows 10 Home Edition'.

Stop Windows Defender Permanently by Installing Antivirus Software.

If you are a non-tech user and don't want to be a mess with the Local Policy, Registry Editor or Windows settings. Then there is one more easy and simple way to get rid of Windows Defender. You can stop Windows Defender Permanently by installing an Antivirus Software on Windows 10. When Defender finds an Antivirus on your system, it will automatically stop itself. I think, this is the easiest working method and it can be done by anyone. And it works on evey edition of Windows 10.

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So these are the 3 working ways to turn off Windows Defender program for temporarily and permanent in Windows 10. Which method suits for you? And which antivirus you are going to use in place of WD. Must share your thoughts and experience with us. See you again on our next upcoming article, a new help guide. And off course with a new solution for a different problem, until then Goodbye.

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