
September 15, 2016

4 Ways to Turn Off or Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates

4 Ways to Turn Off-Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates

Windows 10, the latest and the most advanced version of Microsoft Windows. Windows 10 is equipped with many advanced features, but it has a few problems too. "Windows Automatic Updates" is one of the major problems in Windows 10. Windows 10 operating system automatically search for the new updates and installs them without user’s permission. To turn off these automatic updates, the user has no option, as it was available in the previous Windows Versions like Windows XP, 7 or 8. In comparison to all other released Windows so far, Windows 10 has proven the most data consuming Windows ever.

The Automatic Updates feature of Windows 10 is really a serious headache to the user, especially when the user is on a low data plan or a chargeable data plan. According to Microsoft, "Windows 10 is a service, which means automatic updates are turned on by default and your PC always has the latest and best features". Perhaps that is why there is no option to disable the "Automatic Windows Update" feature in Windows 10. So, we cannot turn off the automatically updates in Windows 10??? Of course why not, we can turn off them. So let's start this step by step guide, which let you know how to disable or turn off "Automatic Update" feature in Windows 10.

4 Working Ways to Turn Off or Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates

However, Microsoft has not given the choice to turn off the Automatic Updates in the Control Panel. But we can turn off automatic updates of Windows 10 using 4 different ways. Actually, these methods are hidden, that is why a common user doesn't have their information.

Method 1:

Set Wi-Fi Connection as a Metered Connection and Turn Off Windows 10 Automatic Updates

Windows 10 allows you to set your internet Connection as a Metered Connection. Metered connection means a low data connection with a limit or a chargeable connection. When you marked the connection as Metered, Windows won't download the updates automatically but it still searches for the updates. And whenever Windows Update found any new definition update it will say, "Updates are available. We’ll download the updates as soon as you connect to Wi-Fi, or you can download the updates using your data connection (charges may apply.)” But this option is only available for Wi-Fi networks, it is not available for wired Ethernet or a data card connection. That is why you can’t see this option when you are connected through a wired Ethernet cable or a data card.


Follow the below steps to Setup Metered Connection:

Step 1: Open setting app using Win + I.

Step 2: Under settings app, open 'Network & Internet'.

Step 3: Now click 'Wi-Fi' and then click 'Advanced Options'.

Step 4: Now select the network you are currently connected to, and turn ON the option 'Set as metered Connection' under the Metered connection.

You have enabled this option only for your current Wi-Fi network. It doesn't work for any other Wi-Fi network until you repeat the above steps again for that new network.

Method 2:

Edit Group Policy to Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates

The second method to disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates is to edit the Group Policy settings. To edit Group Policy, you must be signed in as the administrator.


Follow the below steps to Edit Group Policy Settings:

Step 1: Open 'RUN' using Win + R.

Step 2: Type 'gpedit.msc' in the run dialog and hit enter.

Step 3: Now in the newly opened 'Group Policy Editor', use the left panel and navigate to:

Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update

Step 4: Now under ‘Windows Update’, look for 'Configure Automatic Updates' in the right panel and open it.

Step 5: Then select 'Enable' on the left side.

Step 6: Now under the ‘Options’, you can see another option 'configure automatic updating' with a ‘combo box (drop down list)' just below the enable-disable option. In this ‘combo box’, select the option no 2 "Notify for download and notify for install". Now Apply, then OK, and then restart your system.

Step 7: Now check the Windows update settings. Press Win + I, and then open 'Update & Security'. Under Windows Update, click 'Advanced options'. Here you can see, the 'Update options' are not highlighted now and also a note above saying, "Some settings are managed by your organization". It means you have successfully set Windows 10 updates to "always notify to download and install updates".


The users who are using Professional, Enterprise, and Education editions of Windows 10 can only access the Group Policy editor. This method is not available for those users who are using 'Windows 10 Home Edition'.

Method 3:

Edit the Registry to Disable Automatic Updates in Windows 10

This method does the same work as the Group Policy editor, the only difference is in its process and method.


Follow the below steps to Edit Registry Settings:

Step 1: Open 'RUN' using Win + R.

Step 2: Type 'regedit' in the run dialog and hit enter.

Step 3: Now in the 'Registry Editor', navigate to:



I mean, Open 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', then 'SOFTWARE', then 'Policies', then 'Microsoft', then 'Windows', then 'WindowsUpdate', and then finally open 'AU'.

Step 4: Now on the right panel under 'AU', right click on the blank space, and then click 'New'.

Step 5: Then click 'DWORD (32-Bit) Value', this will create a new value, name it 'AUOptions'.

Step 6: Now double click on 'AUOptions' and modify the 'value data' = '2', then click OK.
Here is what the values stand for:
2 = Notify for download and notify for install
3 = Auto download and notify for install
4 = Auto download and schedule the install

Step 7: Now restart your system and then check the Windows update setting. Press Win + I ', and then open 'Update & Security'. Under Windows Update, click 'Advanced options'. Here you can see, the 'Update options' are not highlighted now and also a note above saying, "Some settings are managed by your organization". It means you have successfully set Windows 10 updates to "always notify to download and install updates". Check the last image of Method 2.

The users who are using Professional, Enterprise, and Education editions of Windows 10 can only access the Registry. This method is not available for those users who are using 'Windows 10 Home Edition'.

Method 4:

Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates Completely by Disabling the 'Windows Update Service'

If you don't want to use the above-mentioned methods, or can't use the above-mentioned methods, or want to completely disable the Windows 10 Updates. Then you can do it by disabling the 'Windows 10 Update Service'. But I do not recommend you to do this and if you do then you will surely miss the crucial definition updates and necessary security patches.


Follow the below steps to Disable Windows 10 Update Service:

Step 1: Open 'RUN' using Win + R.

Step 2: Type 'services.msc' in the run dialog and hit enter.

Step 3: Now in the Services Window, look for the 'Windows Update' service.

Step 4: Then double click on the 'Windows Update' and open it.

Step 5: Under the 'Startup type', select 'Disable' from the ‘combo box (drop down list)’.

Step 6: Now Apply, then OK, and then restart your system.

Step 7: Now check whether the Windows Update service has stopped or not. Press Win + I, and then open 'Update & Security'. Now click on 'Check for updates' under 'Windows Update'. If you get an error message saying, “There were some problems installing updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help: (0x80070422)”. It means the Windows Update service is completely disabled.



So now, you have 4 different options to disable or turn off "Automatic Updates" in Windows 10. But I recommend you to use the Method 1. Set your Wi-Fi Connection as a Metered Connection and save your data when you are on a low data plan. And if you are not using Wi-Fi connection, then I recommend the Method 2. Edit Windows 10 Group Policy settings and change 'Automatic Updates' to 'always notify to download and install updates'. But I don't recommend the method 4, don't disable the windows update service. If you did, then you won’t get the crucial definition updates and necessary security patches in future. Windows Home user’s, you have only 2 methods, no-1 and no-4. I recommend you to ‘set you connection as a Metered Connection’. If you won’t, then I recommend you to stop the ‘windows update service’ when you are on a low data plan and start the service again when you are on your main Internet connection and then check updates manually.

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I hope you must have gotten rid of Windows 10 Automatic Updates and now this will save on your data. Which method have you tried and which one worked for you? Which method did you like the most and how was your experience? Must tell us, we would love to hear your experience.

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